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  • Writer's pictureLeona

Doing it Scared

Familiarity, comfort and predictability. These all sound wonderful and in our times, I was raised to live in a contemporary white middle class society, are seemingly sought after with the greatest of fervour. Hold on for one moment, take a breath, and try to be as honest as you possibly can be. Life is not like that. It never has and never will be. Well, we can pretend that it could be, but for me I see it as superficial living because if you were brutally honest with yourself you are not authentically happy and at peace. To keep these three kings at bay you have to work damn hard at it and swim against a tide you will never beat.

Life is cyclical. It has been from the moment the spark was lit. I have come to learn that familiarity, comfort and predictability for the long term are unnatural. Things are changing all of the time whether we like it or not, there is a rhythm and we have no means to control it and maintain happiness and peace at the same time. Try as you might. I have discovered that all you get is exhausted, possibly sick, and poor. My point is, for me to truly live I have had to learn to be comfortable with the uncomfortable, familiarity is a fleeting state of being and predictability truly only comes in the form of taxes and death. If I want to live, and I mean actually live, deeply, purposefully and always being true to my authentic self, I have to do it scared. Because greatness is always just outside of our comfort zone.

If I want to live, and I mean actually live, deeply, purposefully and always being true to my authentic self, I have to do it scared. Because greatness is always just outside of our comfort zone.

I don’t want to live a bullshit life that the system I was born into created for me. I have tried, and tried, and tried for many decades and all I got was sick, all forms of sick. I had to hit a point where I was forced to be honest with myself and this was thanks to my Spirit Guides and the Universe calling me out. They held a mirror up to my face and demanded I looked and looked until I truly saw. What I saw was my own fear. I was not allowed to stop there, I had to keep looking and face who was the instigator of the fear. It was me. But here is the clanger, I was not afraid of failure or not being good enough, sure these popped up, but they were hiding something bigger and more ancient in me. It was not until I read a quote from Marianne Williamson, I finally understood what the root of the fear was. I was afraid of my own power. I was afraid of living my own potential to its fullest. What if I gave up the pseudo familiar and sought out my own passion and purpose and I was unbelievable at it? How could I possibly handle all of that? Can I really manage how that might make me feel on multiple levels? Could you?

I am going to live life, and I am going to do it scared until I am no longer scared, until I become soulmates with Uncomfortable. Every day I am going to work at expressing my light. I am going to give myself permission to be the best possible version of me, no matter where that will take me. It is where I will find my peace and happiness because I will be an expression of the Universe. We are and will always be an expression of the Universe and I beg of you too, let yourself shine with love and light and be liberated.

Namaste Beautiful Souls.

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